Thursday, September 26, 2013

Empty form

When we look at a chair, we think that we can sit on it. That is the interpretation that we give to a chair. Since we interpret the object, we actually gives the meaning to it When we look at modern architecture which we actually claim that it is the most simple architectural style we ever created, are we sure? Modern architecture is very complex but not complicated. It is complex in terms of the meaning we give to it. The function that architect would try very hard to express it through the architecture that he or she created. Even that modernist tried to make this type of architecture to be as empty from the meaning as possible, they never succeed. Modern architecture is full of meaning in the term of function. You can't design function without a translation of a user. When interpretation occurs, that is when meanings exist in the design. Another way of explaining this is, function is a meaning. 

Empty form, Empty form is the concept of design that is flexible at zero degree. This means it could be anything as we want. For example, a room could be anything that we want it to be. It could be a bathroom, a kitchen, a stadium, a tower anything. I think this concept is very conceptual in architecture. It is impossible to create one cause it will never be flexible enough. However, post modernists try to achieve it by designing double functioning elements, fluid forms but still it is not flexible at zero degree. So I think we as architects (architectural student) , are running towards the idea. However, empty form actually exists in our society but not in architectural from. How? Money is an object that can be everything we wish it to be. How? By trading, money is the mutual object of trading. We could trade it for a car, a house, a bathroom, a building and ever other things. Money can buy objects. 

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