Thursday, October 10, 2013


Who would have thought that aesthetic is political? Aesthetic in our conscience would have to deal with more or less with art or poetry. Because the meaning of aesthetic is concerned with beauty or the appreciation with beauty and of course that these two things are related to art. So we have a perception that aesthetic would be something artistic and this actually frame us to think that way. Aesthetic is a perception that partially comes from a person and the rest comes from the trend, which comes from the demand of the market. The demand of the market wouldn’t exist with out people, who have the ability to buy. In other term, it is a capital that creates the trends.

Aesthetic is a mark of historical changes. As time changes, people perception changes which makes the aesthetic or trend changes as well. Every single period of time in history has different style of how people live. It came back to the same idea that people live in different time and they have different experience, which causes their judgments to be different. So every events and experience in each period of time form how people perceive and judge thing. Once you have different judgments, your perception of beauty would be different. It is all because of people judge what they like or what they don’t. This is why perception of beauty changes over time, which creates historical mark.

Aesthetic is a will. It could never force anyone to do anything. People would do anything for Aesthetic. They want their life to look good in other people points of view as well. It is all because human are social animal. One of the examples that we were given in class was plastic surgery. No one would want to go through a painful process for anything but aesthetic that would gain their confidences, prides and a space in society. Because, this is postmodern society, people care about how they look.

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